Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Greatest Day Ever?

Today was the GREATEST DAY EVER...or atleast top 10. It started out being great because I was given the OKAY by Dr. West (My surgeon) to play in the District Golf Tournament. This would be my first golf season of the year. Late tuesday afternoon the golf team began the long haul into Tyler and we stayed at a West Inn. Waking up early, we head to Macdonalds (My dads choice breakfast joint) and then headed to the golf course. I had a great did the rest of the team. I shot a 108, as did another team mate of mine, to tie us for 6th over all. That was a big accomplishment and I didn't think the day could get better...but it did. We found out that our golf team was also crowned district champs! An even bigger accomplishment! I didn't think the day could get better...but it did. After I got home I went to the mall to spend some gift cards...after that I headed over to my "hangout" Oakley (I'm on a first name basis with the manager and went to school with another employee). I got a $230 pair of sunglasses for $50. The guy I went to school with gave me an employee discount of 75%. I didn't think the day could get better...but yet did. I asked about Oakley sponsorships and my friend told me to call Oakley and almost guarenteed me a sponsorship!! That means 50% off on all oakley products! Ya I'm an oakley now I have to make up a Golf resume and send it into Oakley. I didn't think the day could get better...and it didn't really but it remained one of the greatest days ever!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Fun at school? What is the world coming too?

Yes, school was pretty fun today. First Rob flipped his desk in a new sport we call desk racing! Basically you scoot your desk really far back and then you say go and you and another friend try to reach a point before the other. Oya, it can get pretty intense. Then our senior mentors took us to lunch and we stayed way longer then we were supposed to and missed a period! Then the day kinda slowed down afterwords. Still, thats alot of fun at school...its can you have fun? Anyway, what lies ahead of me this week all relies on the gaping wound I have in my stomach, a.k.a. the little hole. I have a post op check up tomorrow and I need his okay to play in wednsdays district golf tourney, the last tourney of the year unless you make it to state. If I can't play then I missed out on the whole golf season, not cool. Well, thats all I really have right now... Andrew out

Saturday, March 24, 2007

To Hell and Back

Finally, the first week back is done. It was a very tiring week, possible one of the most tough weeks that I have ever had to endure. After 5 1/2 months of dating, me and my girlfriend broke up. I hated it, but it needed to happen (I wont go into furter details). On the bright side, I am making headway in my recovery from my appendectimy and I am becoming myself again. I spent my Friday night with an old friend who graduated last year, she is basically my sister. We tried to go to an R movie (With my parents permission of course) but she isnt old enough to by my ticket so that didnt happen. We ended up going over to another friends house and watched a movie. It was a great friday night and I'm hoping that this weekend will only get better. *Thank you everybody for helping me and encouraging me, I thank God for you guys everyday.

Monday, March 19, 2007


Spring break is over and today was the first day back at school. For me it was the first full day back in about a month due to my surgeries. It was good to be back, but you'd think that some of the teachers would have felt the same and would have been in better moods. Some actually were, but the teachers who were still themselves were the ones that we expected to be (I wont mention names). School is now in its last quarter and the end is in sight, oh summer please hurry.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

The First of Many

Hey I'm Andrew and thats all there really is to it. I love to be crazy with my family. I have one brother and two sisters, also with a side of two nephews. I love to dirtbike, play golf, and hang out with my friends. I got into this blog because of my sister and I'm expecting this post to be the first of many.