Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I'm sitting at my gate and I'm jusy chillin people watching. I'm thinking about how many people there are on this earth, with their own agendas, own places to go....and I will never know them. I just saw a guy with a beard and a green shirt and I will likely never see him again. If I do I doubt I'll reconize him. This world is so big and we are all trapped in such bubbles. We feel bad for fish in a tank because they will probably never experience the ocean, but are we much different? We have freedom to travel most anywhere and fish do not, but many do not travel past the borders of our nation...our giant fish tank. And just like fish, everytime someone taps on the glass of our bubble we get scared. Someone we don't know or change walks into our lives and tries to mix things up. Humans for the most part hate change but there are those out there that crave it. I feel that I am a happy medium. That doesn't matter right now though. Right now I'm trying tonlook at the bigger picture outside of me, I'm trying to look at everyone. Things we have in common...
physcal needs
dialect or language
hopes and dreams
we are all alive
we are at an airport...
But what about the deeper things? Specifics? Everyone has theirown belief set, even with a common religion. My views as a follower probably don't match exactly with all followers. How though? We have a bible...it says the same thing to everyone but not everyone interprets it the same. As followers we lack connection and community. With more denominations than I can count on my hands it is so easy to get lost. We look for churches and types of faith that fit us, but shouldn't it be us that try to fit to God? God is not maleable...He is firm and knows everything about us. What do we know? Not much! So rather than look a Gods commandments like a build your own dinner plate where we pick and choose what sounds good to us, we need to realize that we are either all in...or just lying to ourselves.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Means to an End

The other day I was walking back to my dorm from class and as I passed by the Union, a man handed me a little brochure deal that said, "How to get to Heaven" on the front. Now, I respect what this guy is doing, he is trying to spread the good word. Is he spreading the right word though? First of all I already dislike the word christian. It comes with such hypocrisy and confusion. All this thanks to those who call themselves christians but live otherwise. So already I'm thinking this guy is being judged by everyone around. I read the pamphlet though and it was interesting but as I thought about it I realized that what this pamphlet represents is wrong. It represents a literal "Means to an End." (Thats why I titled this blog). Basically the pamphlet witnesses to whoever reads it and tells you how to accept Christ and then BOOM heaven everlasting is yours. Okay....so it is telling us how to set an ensurance trap for the end of our lives. No matter what, I dont go to hell. What about the middle part..whats it call? Oh LIFE. It explained nothing about how to live as a true follower, or why, or even the 10 commandments. This is likely because that scares people. "No don't challenge them! Just give them heaven and bang we saved someone." I feel that it is one thing to just simply save someone, and its entirely something else to save them and show them how to live their lives as Christ would have them. To do this is to give them something that only God can give. They think they've experience happiness, love, and fulfillment...just wait until they've experienced joy, God's love, and God's fulfillment. All of these things only given by God. That is when they will know that they have done something incredible, they have stepped up.
As followers today we need to analyze our relationship with Christ. Is it just an ensurance trap so that we don't spend the rest of our lives in fire? Or are we actually living for God? Believe me when I say, living for God brings about things that this world can not, absolutely can not offer.