Saturday, May 31, 2008

Challenging the Challenge

There is a road that we all follow, a road that stares us down and challenges us every day. No Wendy it is not the yellow brick road, it is not Dallas PKWY, it is the road that God has laid down for us to follow that leads us to him. Eventually most of us will lose hope that it is actually possible to make it through all the temptations alive. Fortunately there is hope, and it is everywhere. I have found it in the form of Patrick, Katy, and Erin a.k.a. my brother and sisters. I watch them everyday and realize that if they can make it then I can make it. They encourage me, the example they have set for me to follow. I am so proud to have them as family. (They are very lucky to have me as a brother) They give me a reason to fight temptation and to challenge the challenge that faces all of us. I want to be like all 3 of them. I've seen the adults that they have all become (Erin is still immature) and there is nothing about any of them that I want to change. I have 1 more year until college and I have been told by many grown ups that college is the year that all good kids break out and go crazy. I don't want to be that kid, I want to hold strong convictions like Patrick, be creative like Katy, be hilarious like Erin, and be as great as all 3 of them. I find encouragement in everything they have become and find hope that it is actually possible to follow the road that God has set down before us.

I love you Erin Katy and Patrick!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Imperfections in our reflections

What is the first thing, I'm talking first thing that you think of when you see yourself in the mirror? More than likely you think of what it is that you don't like about yourself. I do this all the time and I realized it just the other day. Its honestly horrible the way we think of ourselves. I look in the mirror and think, "Agh crunches, I NEED CRUNCHES! Must loose bellyfat!" Atleast I used to do that. Lately I have been thinking of the good things I see in my reflection. The weight I've lost and the sexiness that I have gained for instance (WInk Wink) Ever since I started thinking positively about my reflection I have seen myself and been proud. I have gained so much more self esteem and am so much happier with where I am in my life. Honestly everyone should try it. Who knows, maybe seeing perfection in you're reflection will bring world peace!

I actually posted this a few days ago but then realized that I posted it on the wrong blog, that of which you (The Public) have not sorry for the delay in posts, my noggin is getting a little old on me. Doesn't create ideas like it used to ya know.