Friday, November 20, 2009


Haven't done a blog in awhile and this one just hit me in the middle of doing laundry at...yes 2 is cool like that.

Being perfect, I feel safe to say, is impossible. Yes everyone here is our intervention it is impossible. We are human we make mistakes, we move on and tread ever so carefully as we try to avoid more but at some point we will step on the broken glass. I think that in some way shape or form all of us seek perfection. Maybe not in their all around lives but perhaps sports, education, spiritual lives, maybe something else random. Well lets look at this, we have seen pitchers throw perfect games, we've seen our piers get all A's in school, and I'm sure that someone has found perfection is something else random. Spirituality though, its the hard one. Incredibly demanding, incredibly thorough even though its just 10 commandments, and incredibly difficult.

Intervention Step #1 - Spiritual Intervention

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" - There it is, need I repeat it? I'm sorry but the bible says it. Okay so there went our spiritual perfection right out the window before I even got to wave. We have all heard that bible verse, I couldn't tell you what book it is in but It's meaning is simple. We do not deserve the gift that we hold in our arms. We have not earned it, our actions do not get us into heaven. Now our actions may bring us blessings, but they do not speak "Open Sesame" at the front gates of heaven.

Intervention Step #2 - Spiritual Realization

This is about the time that if your lightbulb hasn't gone off, it should soon OR you have already realized everything I'm saying and you are sitting there nodding. I mean this just kind of hit me as an interesting blog subject and I haven't blogged in awhile...besides Yvonne told me on the phone to get back at it. Yvonne says do do it. Seriously. Anyway we understand that we cannot be perfect, breath, its okay. Many of us have heard that argument, WE ARE BORN INTO A SINFUL WORLD V. WE ARE BORN WITH A SIN NATURE. Basically we are born perfect and learn sin through this imperfect world or we are born with a sinful nature and no matter how perfect or imperfect the world is...we are born to sin. I don't stand on either side as of now BUT no matter the answer, they are no excuse. "I sinned because its in my nature"...ehhhh try a new one...doctors note perhaps? Realize that you are responsible for yourself. God is there, friends are there though. Pray for God to help you, go to friends for encouragement and discipleship. Believe me, if you are serious, your world will absolutely be rocked.

This blog may seem pointless but to me its something personal. I grew up as that kid in sunday school telling myself, "I'm never messing up, I'm going to be perfect." Wellllllll I lied right then so i screwed up that same day. I lie! I sin! I am a sinner. Okay well what do I do with that? Sit around and mope? I say no. Active christianity involves you getting active with God in your life. Give yourself fully to him, what does he want for you? The best. He will use you according to his perfect will and we will not always like it. Abide by him and his commandments. The world will laugh and make fun of you, the bible basically says it but we are encouraged to stay strong. This would all be pointless if it wasn't reasy right? If you feel like you can't make anything of this life, read the bible, you will realize that you have EVERYTHING to do with God and his plan.