Thursday, May 24, 2007


It's been awhile since my last post, so sorry all of you loyal readers...thats about 2 or 3 I believe...I didn't know what I wanted to write about...and today I figured that scars are cool, chicks dig em', and heck...scars are freakin cool! So why are they there? I guess scars appear because you did something stupid, got hurt, and the skin didn't heal right leaving a pretty mark on your skin (I have many scars).
So you do something stupid and get a cut or worse...the flesh doesn't heal right and BADA BING you have a when you look at the scar you're probably going to think, "I am NOT doing that again." OF COURSE YOU ARE!! I have alot from dirtbiking and look at me, I got a new dirtbike and it put two nice burns on my leg the first day! Those will be some pretty little scars so now everytime I look down and see them I'm like, "When all of the pretty girls see you I'm going to be so wanted...and yes I'm doing that again!" Now if I got a scar from lets say...tripping over a curb then ya I'll tell myself that I am not doing that again...but sadly I doubt that I can go a week without tripping over a curb so usually what you get a scar're gonna do it again!
Some scars are there to serve as reminders of a big even in your my appendectimine scars...they are there to remind me of what I've been through (most of it was a blur but hey...I got painkillers!!). Some of you may of had worse and your scars are to remind you of that. They tell stories of, I fell off my bike when I was 10, or I had heart surgery when I was 27. I think scars are a blessing so...and again they look super cool! So what are you waiting for? Go fall off that bike, go trip over that curb, go pick a fight with that biker guy that is 7 ft. tall and has a "Born to make you wish you weren't" (please tell me that you got that tatoo joke cause its awesome) The memories of scars are yours for the taking, scars are yours for the making! So....again...what are you waiting for?

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Sound of Music

No I'm not talking about the movie...your kidding me, I was forced by my lower school music teacher Mrs. Kelso to watch that...
What I'm talking about it what music can do to us, what sound does to us. Okay, so your running and you are not listening to music one day and you run 3 miles with some trouble...another day you are listening to faster paced music and you finish your 3 miles with little trouble...what am i getting at? Music can pump you up, music can bring you down, music can get our heart beating.
What is music? Music is a plethera of sounds strung together to create melodies and harmonies.......I think I just fried my brain with that definition (that I came up with by the way)......okay I'm good to go now, where was I? Oh music right.... People all have different tastes in music. Me...I like most anything, but for some reason I have taken a liking to alternative music recently. Like yellowcard and colplay. I enjoy how their songs tell stories or make sense in life. Sometimes I can even relate to a song. And of course I'm a country is fun to dance to, sing to, its fun!
What does music sound like? Music sounds like anything, music has an unlimited arsenal of instruments that can make it. Guitars, drums, pianos, violins, harmonicas, trumpets, even buckets! Music is helps us voice what we normally cannot. We voice what is going on in our heads, what we can't get out. Music defines a culture, music can define a persons, whats the word, personality. I see a person in a cowboy hat and boots and can bet that they like country music. Person dressed in all black, crazy hair, skateboard shoes of some sort...emo music. Don't get me wrong, I like country but I don't dress like it, I accept some emo music but don't dress emo. Music won't completely define a person, it just says a little something about their tastes.
Music is used everywhere. It sets the mood in movies, it yells, "I'm here!" when you hear the 3 subwoofers driving by in a car, it lets us relax, it pumps us up, it makes us sad, it makes us happy, and it can make us spiritual. Music is awesome...without music life would be quiet...too quiet. So turn up your amps, play the drums louder than ever, sing with all you've got, turn up those headphones, turn up the car radio, use every inch of that is yours for the taking, music is yours for the what are you waiting for?

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Cure for the Common Summer

So here is another cure for the common....
Now that school is down to its last 2 weeks, summer is growing ever so closer. I was thinking about it today and I wondered to myself...what am I going to do everyday? What I talked about in the last cure for the common, the routines, well ya I have a school routine and its going to end. So what am I supposed to do with myself, I am so used to having school take up most of my day...I dont just want to sit around waiting for something to happen...That would make for a boring summer.
I do have trips that I am taking, I'm going to Chicago to visit my sister katy (Love you Katy) and then to Montana to flyfish and go to Glacier National Park, then X-Games in L.A. with katy! Ya that is busy for me, but what do i do in between those trips, thats a lot of gaps to fill...
Hah yes...yes I found it...the cure! I do....whatever...I...want!!! Its summer! 2 months of no school, no hw, nothing! Its freedom basically. So yea friends, the lake, and whatever is my cure. So instead of staring at the kid picking his nose (the one I mentioned in the last cure for the common) I'll be staring at a hott chick...actually she'll be staring at me (because I'm so hott) and I'll be pretending not to notice...yes I know im good.(pause for applause) I'll be riding my dirtbike, I'll be working out, anything to fill the precious time that is summer. It's like being in jail and being let out for 2 months of madness! I'm going to try and make this the best summer of my life...atleast until next summer! So yea, do whatever you want...burn stuff...throw anything! (that is legal atleast) So get out there, the summer is yours for the taking...what are you waiting for?

*And at the request of Becky...I had a chinchilla named tucker a few years back. He was awesome. Oh and a chinchilla is like a lil grey animal that looks like a rabit and a...mouse? Ya that works. Anyway, one week he disapeared and we thought my dog at him because he got out of his cage and there were plants and stuff knocked down...we figured cause the dog chased him. He dissapeared and we thought him dead, until one day we heard a sound behind our freezer and I saw his nose! He was alive, tucker was alive! He had been living under the freezer for the whole time! So hears to Tucker! There ya go Becky, your very welcome.

Cure for the Common Summer

So here is another cure for the common....
Now that school is down to its last 2 weeks, summer is growing ever so closer. I was thinking about it today and I wondered to myself...what am I going to do everyday? What I talked about in the last cure for the common, the routines, well ya I have a school routine and its going to end. So what am I supposed to do with myself, I am so used to having school take up most of my day...I dont just want to sit around waiting for something to happen...That would make for a boring summer.
I do have trips that I am taking, I'm going to Chicago to visit my sister katy (Love you Katy) and then to Montana to flyfish and go to Glacier National Park, then X-Games in L.A. with katy! Ya that is busy for me, but what do i do in between those trips, thats a lot of gaps to fill...
Hah yes...yes I found it...the cure! I do....whatever...I...want!!! Its summer! 2 months of no school, no hw, nothing! Its freedom basically. So yea friends, the lake, and whatever is my cure. So instead of staring at the kid picking his nose (the one I mentioned in the last cure for the common) I'll be staring at a hott chick...actually she'll be staring at me (because I'm so hott) and I'll be pretending not to notice...yes I know im good.(pause for applause) I'll be riding my dirtbike, I'll be working out, anything to fill the precious time that is summer. It's like being in jail and being let out for 2 months of madness! I'm going to try and make this the best summer of my life...atleast until next summer! So yea, do whatever you want...burn stuff...throw anything! (that is legal atleast) So get out there, the summer is yours for the taking...what are you waiting for?

*And at the request of Becky...I had a chinchilla named tucker a few years back. He was awesome. Oh and a chinchilla is like a lil grey animal that looks like a rabit and a...mouse? Ya that works. Anyway, one week he disapeared and we thought my dog at him because he got out of his cage and there were plants and stuff knocked down...we figured cause the dog chased him. He dissapeared and we thought him dead, until one day we heard a sound behind our freezer and I saw his nose! He was alive, tucker was alive! He had been living under the freezer for the whole time! So hears to Tucker! There ya go Becky, your very welcome.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Cure for the Common Routine

BEEP!BEEEP!BEEEEEP! Ugh...It's 7 o'clock and I'm waking up to the wonderful sound of my alarm going off. I'm downstairs by 7:40 and out the door by 7:50. I get to school by 8:05 and geometry starts at 8:15. Class is out by 9 o'clock and so on and so forth. I do that Mon - Fri, August - May 25th. After doing that for so long, it can get really old and boring. How is there nothing more to my week? School and sleep...thats it? It's called a routine and I'm searching for a cure.
Routine...that is probably one of the biggest words in our lives. We may not use it often in sentences or conversations, but it sure does play a huge part in our lives. We all have our daily routines. For those of you who read this and are shaking your heads saying that you don't relate to this at all, please do me a favor quickfast...slap yourself, punch yourself, and kick yourself in that order because HELLO!! You do have a routine...even if you don't realize it.
School is almost out and I'm ready to start a new routine, one without having an alarm that wakes me up in the morning, no homework, no class schedules. Lets call it...hmm...the "Summer Routine" Your life does not run off of a schedule and the question, "What homework do we have tonight?" Instead the question is, "What do I feel like doing?"
Well anyway back to the reason of this post, the cure for this "Routine" that we are speaking of. Here it is...I DONT KNOW! I wish I did...but I don't. Routines are just there. Maybe you can change it up a bit...maybe this time when you walk to your locker you can trip? Stop at starbucks before school? Instead of staring in disgust at the kid thats pickin his nose and thinks that no one notices, you can stare at the kid that farted and thinks nobody noticed? Something interesting to give yourself something new to do. There is no cure for the commone routine, the only thing you can do is change your routine up a bit every days, weeks, months...whatever floats your boat. I have come to new conclusions as I have written this is deep and I dont know if you small minded people can handle this...the cure for the common routine is a new yourself a second to take a nap or something cause that was deep! I guess that a new routine is not a cure, but its a quick fix that will last for a little while, atleast until that routine gets old...well whatever you do, get yourself out of the year old routine and start a new one, believe me, its for the best.

*Note to the kid that farted in class and thinks no one noticed*
Everyone heard it...

*You know, I might just make a "Cure for the Common..." series on my blog, this could be the start of something cool...

Thursday, May 3, 2007

One of those weeks

We have all had those weeks...those weeks where the world throws everything its got at you...the next day comes and its back at you with a full clip. You take it and you take it day after day looking forward while every hit you take slowly wears you down. The world throws little things to trip you or make you fall, blind you and or confuse you.
"It's like walking up the stairs to your bedroom in the dark, and thinking theres one more stair than there is. Your foot falls down through the air and theres a sickly moment of dark surprise..." ~ Lemony Snicket
Or maybe your having a great day but one simple thought looms in the back of your mind...head spinning you take on every second of every minute of every hour of the day, with the world telling you, "give up," while that one bit of hope whispers, "Try it one more time." We all have our own chains that we need to break...dont give up...each day will go on and the next will ALWAYS come. Giving up...its not an option.
"When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on." ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt
"He conquers who endures." ~ Persius
"Never, never, never, never give up." ~ Winston Churchill
"Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it or work around it." ~ Michael Jordan
“Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul.” ~ Douglas MacArthur
“I'm trying as hard as I can, and sometimes things don't go your way, and that's the way things go.” ~ Tiger Woods
Just be strong, believe, tomorrow will come, the sun will rise, a new day is born and what will you do with it? Greatness is yours for the taking, so what are you waiting for?