Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Common Fear

Fear is one of the most powerful forces in the world...just look at what fear has given people the ability to do. The Holocaust, the Cold War, the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Fear cripples a person, a community, even a civilization. Some of our weakest moments in our lives are during times of great fear. It is truly exhausting for a person to live in fear, waking up in the morning to a pit deep within you that is filled with fear. It takes your energy, your mind, even your hunger. Once fear has broken someone, they will turn to literally anything that will relieve them, even if only for a second or two. That relief is where the danger lies in wait. This relief is what causes civilizations to crumble, causes friends to be forever broken, causes people to lose faith. It is in these moments of relief that the worlds biggest mistakes have been made. All any mistake takes is simply saying yes to someone or something, and in a weak moment many people will. We sometimes forget how easy it is to create turmoil. In a weak moment we look to others, the people we surround ourselves with. Do we have trustworthy people to lead us on out of the darkness or will they simply ignore you and continue on?
It is hilarious to me when I look back on my life and the situations I have been in. The time the girl punched me in the stomach when i told her that I loved her (3rd grade). Impressive right? Yeah I tell it like it is. The time I flipped my dirtbike and told my friend Logan that I broke both of my knees, I was just in shock though. When I had to ask a girl to my first homecoming, yeah I was shaking. My first speeding ticket and when I had to tell my mother and father about it. Graduating from highschool and having to go to college. The hilarious thing about each of these situations is that I was probably thinking that this is the scariest event that I will ever experience in my life, nothing will ever change me like this has. I feel that everyone thinks that exact same thing each time we get trapped in fear. Take heart though! We are stronger than we realize...and very few realize this. Everyone has the ability to stand on their own two legs and face a situation. It is with the confidence and strength that God designed us with and instills into us everyday that we walk this earth in faith. Yes we have seen what fear has done in this world and it is truly daunting, but look at what man has done in this world. The Lunar Landing, the Golden Gate Bridge, Dubai...look at the civilizations that we have built across this planet earth! How can fear be so daunting when we have accomplished so much? It is because we understand that fear can easily destroy it all. But while fear can destroy something, it is in faith that it may be rebuilt stronger than it ever has been.