Sunday, June 3, 2007


Don Miguel Ruiz:
Death is not the biggest fear we have; our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive -- the risk to be alive and express what we really are.

I think fear is kinda funny, it's like a game that our minds play with us...sometimes with good reason though. If I am afraid to jump off of a cliff without a parachute and anything to save me (basically jumping to my death) then I have good reason to be life is at stake! Now here is a silly mind trick that is probably caused by some movie that we saw...we have all done this and probably still do this...we walk into a bathroom and there is a shower in it and we of course have to check behind the curtain to make sure that no psycho is in there about to kill us while we are innocently going to the bathroom. Yes I have done that, heck I did it at my sisters apartment this weekend...I mean that shower curtain looked could have been hiding someone so I had to was for the greater good.

Well the way I see it, fear keeps us alive! Fear keeps us from doing stupid stuff that would kill us while at the same time if we can feel fear then we know that we are alive...there is nothing like the feeling that comes with conquering your fears and doing somethin awesome! Fear is yours to conquer, life is yours for the what are you waiting for?


Katy said...

Andrew, I have a very pure and white shower curtain. So you found it scary? Is it because my apartment is vintage and awesome?!

I loved seeing you this weekend. Please come back again real soon!

And I like this post. I struggle overcoming my fears all the time!

Patrick & Alicia said...

Drewby's - excellent and fantastic writing. Great insight into what everyone deals with everyday - in fact I talked to Dad today about working out of fear instead of working out of the joy of accomplishing your dreams.
Also, I am not only fearful of what is behind the shower curtain - I am terribly afraid of what is under my bed. Especially when it is dark and there is no light in my room when the lights are turned off and I can't see anything because there is an incredible deficit of light. Know what I mean?