Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thats What She Said

Enjoy this, I couldn't stop laughing!

Monday, November 26, 2007

The Landscape of a Madmans Mind

Have you ever felt like everyone is crazy except for you, or atleast that you yourself are the crazy one and everyone around you is normal? Is the world out to get you? Is the television really a tool used by the government to control the minds of the masses? Is it a conspiracy...man? I've had those off days myself. If you have this daily...then you just have an off life. (please seek help) Where nothing goes right, it's just not my day. Not as in its not a bad day though...I mean some bad days can be spoken of in the same sense but thats not what I am talking about here. I mean those days where you are just out of it...like this year I have developed a "bubble" that I live in where someone will be talking to me and I will totally miss it. I am not sure why this is but I can't help it...and I dont like it. I'm trying to pop this mental "bubble" that I have come to obtain, so please let the madman do his work. Honelstly I think this "bubble" is, oh whats the word, generic? I hope thats the word. My parents do the same thing. Dad...Dad...DAD...DAD!...BILL!...yes andrew? My mom does the same thing, and it just so happens that yours truly does it. It is just starting to get noticably bad this year...maybe because I'm always tired...which is also just starting this year. I think I know the answer...I'm getting old...17 is not 16 or 15 my friends. Arthritis and backpains are my worst enemies while aleve and metamucil are my best friends. Those dang kids are always on my lawn, and I don't really enjoy looking at boxers hanging out of boys pants. Oh how I fear what the future holds once these terrors we call "the youth" take over. 17 is awful...not really. It's great. R movies...which I dont really go see alot actually. Later curfew...by the state's law that is...not by my parents so that does alot. Well, 17 is just a bigger number. I have really side-tracked...there it is...the bubble is back. I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore. So those of you who are reading this...I suggest you turn back now and just stop reading. Leave me your lovely little comment and be on your way. This is for your own good because I have officially lost my train of thought...the rest of this post will be me just ranting on and on about some crap that nobody cares about (including myself) Or maybe...keep reading...I'll just start on a new subject!

Yes a fresh paragraph, this is nice. On sunday I attended a new church...well not new but one that I had not been to before. It's called Celebration Covenant Church, or CCC. It is great! The band is incredible, the music is fun, the pastor is awesome. The youth group they have sunday night is really cool. And I find myself enjoying church, not thinking about when this will end but I find myself thinking about what it is the pastor will say next. Personally, I think of that as a good thing! So new churh is great, my "bubble" won't leave, and it's cold outside...life is great!

Sunday, November 11, 2007


This blog is late, its been over a month since my last entry. People are late sometimes, I was late to something yesterday. It's actualy really funny how you act when you are late. Okay so you're driving to whatever you are late to...if you think about it you actually get mad at everything and everyone. "C'mon the speed limit it 60 and your only going 80, hurry it up!" Rediculous stuff like that makes you mad. I laughed at myself yesterday because I was getting mad at someone for going to slow when they were actually speeding. When you are late, everything just moves to slow. The lights are "longer than usual", there are always to many stopsigns, and pretty much everybody is out to get you and make you even more late. So chill, just don't be late!