Sunday, November 11, 2007


This blog is late, its been over a month since my last entry. People are late sometimes, I was late to something yesterday. It's actualy really funny how you act when you are late. Okay so you're driving to whatever you are late to...if you think about it you actually get mad at everything and everyone. "C'mon the speed limit it 60 and your only going 80, hurry it up!" Rediculous stuff like that makes you mad. I laughed at myself yesterday because I was getting mad at someone for going to slow when they were actually speeding. When you are late, everything just moves to slow. The lights are "longer than usual", there are always to many stopsigns, and pretty much everybody is out to get you and make you even more late. So chill, just don't be late!


William A. Orender said...

"Chill" is right. I love how you can laugh at yourself!

Katy said...

This happened to me this morning...and monday morning. Garbage trucks in Chicago were conspiring against me!

Patrick & Alicia said...

I am glad that I am not the only one. It is tough being a great driver who is better than anyone else out there. I understand your suffering and do suffer with you daily.
P.S. - don't speed - it makes your car insurance crazy expensive and that means no more Oakley diggs.