Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Fall

In bible study this week we talked about how men should be, spiritually speaking, in relationships. How we should be spiritual leaders. That is not the point of what I am writing though, just a quick back-story to where I'm getting my thoughts.
So in the beginnings of Genesis we have Adam and Eve. Wonderful people, like long walks on the beach, bowling, listening to bad music...however they also had a terrible fruit addiction. God recognized this and told them to stop, but they did the exact opposite and ate from a tree that grew the most delicious fruit of all. This was the fall of man. We became imperfect and sinful. Adam and Eve immediately recognized their imperfections and hid. They covered themselves in leaves and hid from God. Notice how they covered we not do the same thing today? We cover our imperfections with little things as we show ourselves to God saying, "Look Lord! I am perfect in your eyes!" Then we bite our lips as he observes us. The first leaf is pulled off. "What is this?" God asks us. "Oh...Never noticed that was your day?" We cannot bear to show our true imperfect selves to the one who loves us for who we are. Our creator. Now, how can we improve ourselves or move towards perfection, if we hide ourselves from the one who is perfect? Are we so prideful that we lie to the one who knows the truth always? Lying to God is like yelling at a stump, it helps nothing. Unless we show him our true selves how can he help us? Most of us know how God gets our attention...He busts the doors of our lives wide open and says, "My turn." I laugh when I think about it, how childish we must be! I feel like people act like my 2 year old nephews act. They do the opposite of what you say, and so we all do to God. Tell my nephews to stand in a spot for 1 minute and you'll be right back. 1 minute later you return to find the spot vacated and the kid half way to China. Are we much different? Yes and no. We cannot listen to simple demands of us and so we are the same, yet we work MUCH harder to cover things up, and we are different.
I find it so interesting that Adam and Eve hid though. The passage in the bible that says this stands out to me in a ridiculous way. They not only covered themselves they also hid from the one who can see everything. Then I wonder, how are we any different??? We go day to day hiding from God, consciously and subconsciously. Then reveal ourselves at our prayer time or something similar. "Here I am God and I am ready to talk." We go over things and then tell Him goodbye and walk around the corner. However, the minute we reach the corner we find the nearest ally and sprint down it and hide again. Realistically I'm saying that we do not spend every minute of everyday with God. We set up play dates but outside of those we ask Him to leave us alone.
I know I'm saying a lot but this is an extreme description. We all do this but for some only to certain extents. anyways...
My point is that we as Christians need to learn how to truly communicate and walk with God. We miss out on so much joy simply because we do not allow him into our lives, only certain parts of them. We are to walk with God in our daily lives, without that walk...we are simply walking around in the dark with nothing being revealed to us.

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