Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The Darkness That Envelops Us
I'm just going to throw this out there in recognition of my genious, but that title is fantastic. I'm really happy with it. Well anyway...onto the point. I was out chasing one of our family dogs, Lady, around the yard tonight in order to provide my sleep deprived parents with a few hours of extra sleep. You see, Lady is an outdoorsy dog, she loves being outside and loves the cold weather almost as much. When it gets cold outside, she decides that maybe it would be enjoyable to stay outside all night...my parents disagree. She barks, alot...which leads to Max barking, which leads to my parents not sleeping. This effects me in the way that when my parents don't sleep, they become grouchy and angry people...and therefore don't give me the care, love, and affection that I require from day to day. (I'm totally joking, my parents are great and are rarely grouchy) So anyway where was I? Me chasing Lady around in the dark...cold...fun...okay I'm back. As I was running around the yard chasing after a dog that is immensely faster than I am, I heard coyotes from over the berm and I thought to myself how cool it would be to go and find them. So me and my little mag-light journeyed over the berm and into an even darker area. As I was looking around, it hit me, its dark...scary...and so many movies have similar situations of somebody alone in the dark...I did not want to be that person. I'll add that it was quiet, too quiet. I quickly addressed the situation and turned on music from my phone. (Additional thanks to the shins for providing comfort in my time of need) As I stood there...alone in the dark...in the cold...nothing making a sound except for my phone...I had a deep convorsation with myself. Why are we afraid of the dark? What is it about this simple "absence of light" that can make a person afraid beyond measure? I came to the conclusion that it scares me because I can't see anything. The darkness seems infinite. Anything could be lurking in the darkness and I would not be able to see it. Darkness makes people feel alone, silence only adds to it. We become more aware of ourselves and everything around us. This extra attentiveness seems to make our imaginations run wild! What would sound like a tree any other time, may sound like a person creeping up behind us when we are in darkness. I heard a creaking sound behind me and I whipped around with my flashlight only to be staring at a tree...luckily I saw it before it got me! Those trees get sneakier everyday. Honestly though, I think it comes down to the lack of knowledge, the lack of the comfort of fact. We do NOT know what we cannot see. We do NOT know that nothing is out there, but simply linger on the hope that there is nothing out there. In the modern world, we as humans are terrified of lack of knowledge. We think Iran wants to use nuclear weapons against us but we do not know. We think that there is a terrorist attack planned but we do not know. We think that the stock market is going to plummet but we do not know. We think that our friend is lying to us but we do not know. That terrifies us! We are so needy! We need to know these things for our own comfort and will sometimes do absolutely anything for comfort and just so that we can sleep at night. I'm not saying that I don't do this, lack of knowledge does scare me. I recognize that. We can't let this lack of knowledge own our lives. We can't fear the darkness that envelops us.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
The Landscape of a Madmans Mind
Have you ever felt like everyone is crazy except for you, or atleast that you yourself are the crazy one and everyone around you is normal? Is the world out to get you? Is the television really a tool used by the government to control the minds of the masses? Is it a conspiracy...man? I've had those off days myself. If you have this daily...then you just have an off life. (please seek help) Where nothing goes right, it's just not my day. Not as in its not a bad day though...I mean some bad days can be spoken of in the same sense but thats not what I am talking about here. I mean those days where you are just out of it...like this year I have developed a "bubble" that I live in where someone will be talking to me and I will totally miss it. I am not sure why this is but I can't help it...and I dont like it. I'm trying to pop this mental "bubble" that I have come to obtain, so please let the madman do his work. Honelstly I think this "bubble" is, oh whats the word, generic? I hope thats the word. My parents do the same thing. Dad...Dad...DAD...DAD!...BILL!...yes andrew? My mom does the same thing, and it just so happens that yours truly does it. It is just starting to get noticably bad this year...maybe because I'm always tired...which is also just starting this year. I think I know the answer...I'm getting old...17 is not 16 or 15 my friends. Arthritis and backpains are my worst enemies while aleve and metamucil are my best friends. Those dang kids are always on my lawn, and I don't really enjoy looking at boxers hanging out of boys pants. Oh how I fear what the future holds once these terrors we call "the youth" take over. 17 is awful...not really. It's great. R movies...which I dont really go see alot actually. Later curfew...by the state's law that is...not by my parents so that does alot. Well, 17 is just a bigger number. I have really side-tracked...there it is...the bubble is back. I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore. So those of you who are reading this...I suggest you turn back now and just stop reading. Leave me your lovely little comment and be on your way. This is for your own good because I have officially lost my train of thought...the rest of this post will be me just ranting on and on about some crap that nobody cares about (including myself) Or maybe...keep reading...I'll just start on a new subject!
Yes a fresh paragraph, this is nice. On sunday I attended a new church...well not new but one that I had not been to before. It's called Celebration Covenant Church, or CCC. It is great! The band is incredible, the music is fun, the pastor is awesome. The youth group they have sunday night is really cool. And I find myself enjoying church, not thinking about when this will end but I find myself thinking about what it is the pastor will say next. Personally, I think of that as a good thing! So new churh is great, my "bubble" won't leave, and it's cold outside...life is great!
Yes a fresh paragraph, this is nice. On sunday I attended a new church...well not new but one that I had not been to before. It's called Celebration Covenant Church, or CCC. It is great! The band is incredible, the music is fun, the pastor is awesome. The youth group they have sunday night is really cool. And I find myself enjoying church, not thinking about when this will end but I find myself thinking about what it is the pastor will say next. Personally, I think of that as a good thing! So new churh is great, my "bubble" won't leave, and it's cold outside...life is great!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
This blog is late, its been over a month since my last entry. People are late sometimes, I was late to something yesterday. It's actualy really funny how you act when you are late. Okay so you're driving to whatever you are late to...if you think about it you actually get mad at everything and everyone. "C'mon the speed limit it 60 and your only going 80, hurry it up!" Rediculous stuff like that makes you mad. I laughed at myself yesterday because I was getting mad at someone for going to slow when they were actually speeding. When you are late, everything just moves to slow. The lights are "longer than usual", there are always to many stopsigns, and pretty much everybody is out to get you and make you even more late. So chill, just don't be late!
Monday, October 8, 2007
This part of my life...
This part of my life is called breathing...
Sometimes I can feel stifled by the events in my life. 7 am football practice can get depressing, feeling tired all the time get's old, and the lingering thought of what is coming up around the corner is overstaying it's welcome. I eagerly await that day that is coming when I'll be able to get a breath or two while I have nothing that I need to do or worry about. I do get those days every now and then but they are not because I have nothing to do or worry about, I have something to look forward to or be happy about! I'm reviving relationships that are very near and dear to me, I'm creating new friendships, and I'm maturing mentally. All that and of course, my inhaler <3 are keeping me breathing. (Whoever invented albuterol is my hero) I'm proud of what I've made of myself and the person that I am growing up to be. God has blessed me with a great life, friends, and family. My parents are always there for me, my sisters Katy and Erin always got my back, and Patrick is always there to cheer me on. I'm just living my life, and ya it can get tough and challenging, but then again I guess you could call that living. So with two puffs from my inhaler I'm going to continue breathing. I'll get through this. I'm looking forward to what challenges appear to me next because I know that I can triumph. I'm still here, breathing, and I plan to be for a long time.
Sometimes I can feel stifled by the events in my life. 7 am football practice can get depressing, feeling tired all the time get's old, and the lingering thought of what is coming up around the corner is overstaying it's welcome. I eagerly await that day that is coming when I'll be able to get a breath or two while I have nothing that I need to do or worry about. I do get those days every now and then but they are not because I have nothing to do or worry about, I have something to look forward to or be happy about! I'm reviving relationships that are very near and dear to me, I'm creating new friendships, and I'm maturing mentally. All that and of course, my inhaler <3 are keeping me breathing. (Whoever invented albuterol is my hero) I'm proud of what I've made of myself and the person that I am growing up to be. God has blessed me with a great life, friends, and family. My parents are always there for me, my sisters Katy and Erin always got my back, and Patrick is always there to cheer me on. I'm just living my life, and ya it can get tough and challenging, but then again I guess you could call that living. So with two puffs from my inhaler I'm going to continue breathing. I'll get through this. I'm looking forward to what challenges appear to me next because I know that I can triumph. I'm still here, breathing, and I plan to be for a long time.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Two Days...
Alright In two days...this wednsday...September 19, 2007...the whole universe will be in celebration! Why? Its my birthday! I'm turning 17 in two days and I can't wait! Gee, and I thought that 16 was a big number...17 is just huge! The only real freedom that I get from being 17 is R movies...whoopee? Ya cause I'm totally alowed to see them...*sarcasm*. Okay so yes I am so excited about turning 17! Jordy is making me this amazing cake...I can't really spell it but its delicious, and I get presents! But here is the wierd part...I have no idea what I want, it's just one of those times where I don't really want anything all that bad. Maybe a laptop or something...that is really what I'm currently shooting for. So ya...that's my week.
For those of you who read my last blog and were wondering about my ankle, it was just a sprain...it got alot better last week and I played a little bit Friday night. Today I came back to practice and wow it is so sore right now. I'm actually icing it right now! It's a little swollen but I got my doctor coming over tomorrow to work on it some more...just a few kinks that he needs to work out of it. I'll be back...
For those of you who read my last blog and were wondering about my ankle, it was just a sprain...it got alot better last week and I played a little bit Friday night. Today I came back to practice and wow it is so sore right now. I'm actually icing it right now! It's a little swollen but I got my doctor coming over tomorrow to work on it some more...just a few kinks that he needs to work out of it. I'll be back...
Monday, September 10, 2007
Beer Me
I swear...first game on offense that I actually do good in. I have to get injured...I mean i still played with it but i thought that it was just a rolled ankle and now I'm patiently waiting on a call from the doctor to tell me whether or not I broke something. I couldn't walk after the game, and got X-rays Sunday and they said that they would know by this morning, but noooo, the radiologist did not get to my xray so now I have to wait another day. On another note my foot is actually getting worse...its getting more swollen every day and pain is just ya.
On a lighter note, we won the game 49 - 0, total domination. I was so happy, that was so much fun. I could possibly be back by this friday unless something is broken, or God decides otherwise.
People keep asking me who I'm planning on asking to homecoming...and It's one of those things where I think she likes me and I like her but I'm just not sure about how she feels. Its like I can't find a wall to pin it on, I mean I've even had dreams about her so I don't know what I'm gonna do. Besides If my foot is broken or for some stupid reason hasn't healed (it will have been a month) then I'm not sure if I'm gonna go, let alone ask her because if I do go then I probably won't be able to dance with her...ruins her night and my night...defeats the purpose ya know. I just want to find out! God "beer me" patience haha...if you watch "The Office" then you might get that. Well I'm out...lovely painkillers are kicking in and these colored spots are starting to pop up everywhere and I can't seem to catch one!
On a lighter note, we won the game 49 - 0, total domination. I was so happy, that was so much fun. I could possibly be back by this friday unless something is broken, or God decides otherwise.
People keep asking me who I'm planning on asking to homecoming...and It's one of those things where I think she likes me and I like her but I'm just not sure about how she feels. Its like I can't find a wall to pin it on, I mean I've even had dreams about her so I don't know what I'm gonna do. Besides If my foot is broken or for some stupid reason hasn't healed (it will have been a month) then I'm not sure if I'm gonna go, let alone ask her because if I do go then I probably won't be able to dance with her...ruins her night and my night...defeats the purpose ya know. I just want to find out! God "beer me" patience haha...if you watch "The Office" then you might get that. Well I'm out...lovely painkillers are kicking in and these colored spots are starting to pop up everywhere and I can't seem to catch one!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
So Friday the football team had a scrimmage against Shelton...I didn't get to play because I'm still on the injured roster so I got to play waterboy with Lucas, Blake, and another guy who is also injured. It was fun but I don't know what hurt more, my leg, or not being out there with everyone else. It sucked, bad...I wanted to play. Luckily I have only missed scrimmages, not any season games...so this coming friday, Arlington Oak Ridge better watch out...cause It's gonna be game on. haha. I am incredibly excited for next week...I get to practice again and play friday night...oyea...forgot...school...crap. I lied, I'm not so incredibly excited...I'll stick with excited. School can wait...forever?
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
The Jersey Comes With A Price
What I mean by "The Jersey Comes With A Price" is that when I get that football jersey, I automatically accept that injuries and pain are in my future. I got a head start on injuries...my first full pads practice went awesome, I did great in 1 on 1's and had fun at the same time...that is until tackling drills...My first tackle I hit the guy then we both fall over and I fall akwardly and then pop goes my groin...if thats how you spell it. I fought through it for the rest of the day, went home and healed up, then today I came back ready to give it a go. We were doing blocking drills and I fired off, went through the chutes and nailed the guy but yet again I re-injured it and this time i really felt it...I got up and tried to walk but it gave out and I went down again. The chiroptractor doctor dude said that Im out for a week, but since there is a scrimmage on friday, I told him that I need to be back by then so he said that he could do it...but it wouldnt feel good. So yea, there ya go...no bueno...
Friday, August 17, 2007
Trial By Fire

I always thought that this would be a cool title for a blog but I never thought that I would use it...I lucked out! And this is a picture of Logan getting layed out by Austin "Ambush" Choate in practice.
So anyway, I started football this week on wendsday, no pads and no helmet...thursday I got my helmet and practiced with it...Friday was pictures and a walk through before our scrimmage that night...so basically...the scrimmage would be my first game/practice with full pads and full contact...trial by fire...awesome! I was nervous at first but when it started I got pumped and I could not wait to get in there and punish some people...but the weather had a different plan...
Basically the scrimmage format was each team switches off offense/defense every 15 plays...we planned on doing this 3 times. My line coach looked at me on our second round where I was supposed to play and said don't worry, you gonna get some! And a few plays later...right before I was gonna get in, they called it because of lightening...I was soo angry, still am actually...I described the anger and frustration as sitting in front of an incredible steak filet from 3 forks and someone telling you that you can't eat it till they tell you, but then the cook comes out and says that all the steaks were infected with something and that you can't eat them...ya, it sucked. So now I get to have a full week of full contact practice before our next scrimmage which is this upcoming Friday against Shelton...I think...but anyway...the pain train is comin to town!
Oyea and here is a side note...
My coach calls me Orlando...only him, the rest call me AO like everyone else...I think its tight but I gotta get used to it. Orlando...niiice.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
On Another Note
Balance is a critical part in a persons life...without balance...their life is hectic and chaotic...not fun basically. I'm mostly addressing a persons balanced personality. I mean that in the way that there are 3 personalities...
"The Nice Guy" - Hates hurting people, people pleaser, well liked, and sometimes can become the "Way Too Nice Guy", please try to avoid that one because people can identify that personality and take advantage of it. You hate hurting people and thats fine but you also gotta look out for yourself.
"The Jerk" - "Tolerates" people, feared by others more than liked by them, doesn't care about anybody other than #1, also respected can be considered a synonym for feared in this situation, hurts people, and is generally unliked. You get the Idea.
"The Man" - Nice to everyone, which includes tolerating some, generally liked, respected in a great way, balanced personality between "The Nice Guy" and "The Jerk" and knows which one would work best in any given situation (Let's face it, a little tough love is sometimes needed), and is not taken advantage of but is insted respected for ability to stand on their own and still have enough strength to help anyone else onto their feet.
If you can find the perfect balance, like "The Man", you are doing great. You can influence people in such great ways, you can make a difference. Sometimes everyone can use a personality check...can you? (haha I had to put "Can You?" in there at the end just for my personal benefit because I find it helarious for undeclared reasons, its like a Dr. Phil commercial or something okay people?)
"The Nice Guy" - Hates hurting people, people pleaser, well liked, and sometimes can become the "Way Too Nice Guy", please try to avoid that one because people can identify that personality and take advantage of it. You hate hurting people and thats fine but you also gotta look out for yourself.
"The Jerk" - "Tolerates" people, feared by others more than liked by them, doesn't care about anybody other than #1, also respected can be considered a synonym for feared in this situation, hurts people, and is generally unliked. You get the Idea.
"The Man" - Nice to everyone, which includes tolerating some, generally liked, respected in a great way, balanced personality between "The Nice Guy" and "The Jerk" and knows which one would work best in any given situation (Let's face it, a little tough love is sometimes needed), and is not taken advantage of but is insted respected for ability to stand on their own and still have enough strength to help anyone else onto their feet.
If you can find the perfect balance, like "The Man", you are doing great. You can influence people in such great ways, you can make a difference. Sometimes everyone can use a personality check...can you? (haha I had to put "Can You?" in there at the end just for my personal benefit because I find it helarious for undeclared reasons, its like a Dr. Phil commercial or something okay people?)
Summer X
Probably one of the biggest and most fun highlights of my summer would of course have to be the 4 days that I spent with my sister Katy...Or the 4 days I spent with my sister Katy in Los Angeles attending X-Games 13. For those of you who have lived in a cave for your whole life, the X-Games are the olympics, the super bowl, the world series, the stanley cup, the world cup, the masters of extreme sports! That should put it in perspective for you...people! The X-Games are just awesome! My favorite sport would be all of the motocross events including "Best Trick" - Contenders have 2 jumps to blow the judges minds with their trick. "Step Up" - Contenders have a certain distance to start and hit a vertical jump, they must clear a bar at a certain heighth and it is continually raised until all but one remain. "Freestyle" - Probably the biggest X-Games event. Contenders have 1 min. and 30 sec. to do a run on a freestyle course comprised of jumps composed of different distances and metal and dirt ramps and the one with the highest judged score wins. "Supermoto" - Speedbikes mixed with dirtbikes. Dirtbikes are fitted with street tires and have a course that is half asphalt and half dirt. 32 grueling laps over dirt without dirt tires and speeds up to 90 mph. "Motocross" - Similar to supermoto but much shorter, all dirt, more jumps, and closer quarters. Tournament style competition grid with 1 man on top.
So there, X-Games...FACT: They rock and you know it. QUESTION: Can you handle it?
So it wasn't just the actual games that were awesome, Katy and I (notice the proper grammar thankyou) stayed at Le Merigot in Santa Monica...the scenic Santa Monica! It was awesome. We had 2 days where we did not attend X-Games events so we toured and partied! We visited the pier and rode the roller coaster on it. We rented bikes and biked to Venice beach a.k.a. muscle beach (famous for strongman competitions...these people are ripped!). Men in speedoes, homless people begging for marijuana, and innapropriate (but helarious) t-shirts...thats Venice beach! Venice beach is a fun place to people watch and there are many cultures gathered there to well...sell stuff to the poor unexpecting tourists.
On our last day we had a red eye flight so we didn't need to be at the airport till' around 10:30 that night. We went to Hollywood and toured that. Here is a tip...don't go to Rodeo Dr. on a sunday after 6 o'clock...it is a ghost town because all of the shops are closed! Katy and I didn't think about that so around 5:30 we decided that the shops could wait and that we should eat...around 6:30 we realized our mistake and walked around window shopping...ya...Hollywood<3<3 But we did get to see some nice homes and cars in Beverly Hills. After the "Hillz" as I call them...we decided that we had exhausted all of our tourism opportunities and drove to the airport arriving around 9:30? That is a guess...anyway the sucky part was that we were in different terminals, 4 and 7, and her flight left at 11:50 and mine at 12:20...so we got there and I checked in, walked to her terminal...a painful walk (Katy will get that and I'll keep it that way) and waited forever for her to check in. We said our goodbyes and that was it...the journey was over and we were headed home. I arrived home around 6 and I expect that Katy arrived even later...atleast I got to sleep till 2 that afternoon, katy had to go to work. Well if you ever have the opportunity to go to the Summer X-Games...I would highly reccomend it!
So there, X-Games...FACT: They rock and you know it. QUESTION: Can you handle it?
So it wasn't just the actual games that were awesome, Katy and I (notice the proper grammar thankyou) stayed at Le Merigot in Santa Monica...the scenic Santa Monica! It was awesome. We had 2 days where we did not attend X-Games events so we toured and partied! We visited the pier and rode the roller coaster on it. We rented bikes and biked to Venice beach a.k.a. muscle beach (famous for strongman competitions...these people are ripped!). Men in speedoes, homless people begging for marijuana, and innapropriate (but helarious) t-shirts...thats Venice beach! Venice beach is a fun place to people watch and there are many cultures gathered there to well...sell stuff to the poor unexpecting tourists.
On our last day we had a red eye flight so we didn't need to be at the airport till' around 10:30 that night. We went to Hollywood and toured that. Here is a tip...don't go to Rodeo Dr. on a sunday after 6 o'clock...it is a ghost town because all of the shops are closed! Katy and I didn't think about that so around 5:30 we decided that the shops could wait and that we should eat...around 6:30 we realized our mistake and walked around window shopping...ya...Hollywood<3<3 But we did get to see some nice homes and cars in Beverly Hills. After the "Hillz" as I call them...we decided that we had exhausted all of our tourism opportunities and drove to the airport arriving around 9:30? That is a guess...anyway the sucky part was that we were in different terminals, 4 and 7, and her flight left at 11:50 and mine at 12:20...so we got there and I checked in, walked to her terminal...a painful walk (Katy will get that and I'll keep it that way) and waited forever for her to check in. We said our goodbyes and that was it...the journey was over and we were headed home. I arrived home around 6 and I expect that Katy arrived even later...atleast I got to sleep till 2 that afternoon, katy had to go to work. Well if you ever have the opportunity to go to the Summer X-Games...I would highly reccomend it!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
This Part of MY Life
This part of MY Life is called, Survival. I'm a teenager in the wilderness that is made of the world around me. Each day is a fight, some days easier than others, and each day, everyday, I fight my hardest. Those of you who are reading this are probably saying that this is crazy, that I am just another over-dramatized 16 year old. I'm not, I'm just writing about something that I thought would be interesting to many.
So to start off, life is terrifying (If I spelled that right) to me, I'm 16 going on 17, I'm going to be a Junior in Highschool. WOW!! Somebody recently said to me, "Hey, you're turning 17 in a few months aren't you?" That one question *slash* accusation completely grounded me. I'm getting out of that stage where you don't really care about anything. Well you do care about stuff but that stuff settles along the borders of "Should I shower today? What to eat...the hamburger or skittles...or skittles on a hamburger?! (I was always a health-nut)" Well the truth is that I am out of the free and easy stage and now have to keep track of a checking account, take care of my car, school, and the ever so lovely drama that is created during school and amplified into the lives of people who have nothing to do with it and those who simply do not care...(if you could see me, I'm pointing at myself) I think everyone knows about the high-school related drama, and I think, no, I know that everyone would agree that it is STUPID! It is usually centered around just a few people (usually the same ones) and they drag everyone into it...they are hungry for attention. So ya there is the drama to survive, but how do I survive it?
“Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it.” - Bill Cosby
I think that in nearly any situation, there is humor to be found, but in some situations it is very well hidden, and in some situations it is better not to look but just let it come to you, looking will make it worse....but like I said, SOME situations. So preach it Cosby...preach it.
Alright now I'm on a roll! I mean college is just around the corner. I'm recieving mail from colleges even. Okay people this is scary...just the other day I was learning of my magical ability to pee outside and now I'm preparing for my last 2 years of highschool...I don't know about you but that is a giant leap...I'm on my way. What am I supposed to do after college? There is the search for a career...girlfriend? wife? living accomidations? I look at my wonderful sister Katy and she hung around in Dallas for a little while, got bored, then moved to Chicago and is now all like fameous and what not. Way to go Katy! I don't think I could leave Texas, it's just to awesome...yes Texas is much better than any state...I guarentee it! We also have the death penalty but anywho...oh don't go saying that I'm a horrible person puhleeeezzzz, don't gimme that...I'm BORN and RAISED here in Texas so shaddup. So in the end of all of this I have come to 2 conclusions and here they are....please back up from the screen, I know your excited but you will damage your eyes. First, Live is not a battle, it is war...and to get through it you have to take it day by day, today's decisions effect tomorrows outcome (ya I got that off of a poster in spanish class...got nothin else to stare at) So live your life and stay calm...you're fine...remember, keep on keepin' on!
So to start off, life is terrifying (If I spelled that right) to me, I'm 16 going on 17, I'm going to be a Junior in Highschool. WOW!! Somebody recently said to me, "Hey, you're turning 17 in a few months aren't you?" That one question *slash* accusation completely grounded me. I'm getting out of that stage where you don't really care about anything. Well you do care about stuff but that stuff settles along the borders of "Should I shower today? What to eat...the hamburger or skittles...or skittles on a hamburger?! (I was always a health-nut)" Well the truth is that I am out of the free and easy stage and now have to keep track of a checking account, take care of my car, school, and the ever so lovely drama that is created during school and amplified into the lives of people who have nothing to do with it and those who simply do not care...(if you could see me, I'm pointing at myself) I think everyone knows about the high-school related drama, and I think, no, I know that everyone would agree that it is STUPID! It is usually centered around just a few people (usually the same ones) and they drag everyone into it...they are hungry for attention. So ya there is the drama to survive, but how do I survive it?
“Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it.” - Bill Cosby
I think that in nearly any situation, there is humor to be found, but in some situations it is very well hidden, and in some situations it is better not to look but just let it come to you, looking will make it worse....but like I said, SOME situations. So preach it Cosby...preach it.
Alright now I'm on a roll! I mean college is just around the corner. I'm recieving mail from colleges even. Okay people this is scary...just the other day I was learning of my magical ability to pee outside and now I'm preparing for my last 2 years of highschool...I don't know about you but that is a giant leap...I'm on my way. What am I supposed to do after college? There is the search for a career...girlfriend? wife? living accomidations? I look at my wonderful sister Katy and she hung around in Dallas for a little while, got bored, then moved to Chicago and is now all like fameous and what not. Way to go Katy! I don't think I could leave Texas, it's just to awesome...yes Texas is much better than any state...I guarentee it! We also have the death penalty but anywho...oh don't go saying that I'm a horrible person puhleeeezzzz, don't gimme that...I'm BORN and RAISED here in Texas so shaddup. So in the end of all of this I have come to 2 conclusions and here they are....please back up from the screen, I know your excited but you will damage your eyes. First, Live is not a battle, it is war...and to get through it you have to take it day by day, today's decisions effect tomorrows outcome (ya I got that off of a poster in spanish class...got nothin else to stare at) So live your life and stay calm...you're fine...remember, keep on keepin' on!
Monday, July 9, 2007
Wow, wow, wooooow...I don't know how else to put it, Montana is just...wow! So my adventure started in Missoula, Montana. This town is awesome, and this is where we travel to flyfish. There are 3 main rivers in Missoula, there is the Bitterroot, Blackfoot, and ClarkFork. We fished the Bitterroot and ClarkFork during our 3 days of fishing. We started at the ClarkFork and spent the next two days at the lower Bitterroot and Upper Bitterroot. The first day I caught zero, zilch, nada, no fish! It was my first time with a flyrod and it wasn't easy. The second day I had a good day with 3 trout and 7 squawfish (squawfish are bad and so when you catch them, the guides throw them on shore...they eat trout :() So a total of 10 fish on the second day. And the third...got myself 8 Trout, a few Squaw, and some whitefish totalling the day with 20+ fish! I was very very angry that the flyfishing had to end but glacier national park was calling.
We drove 3 hours and arrived at our rented house near west glacier and found it to be without air conditioning...can I get a yay? Ya didn't think so... Me and katy..."The Singles", were of course stuck in the attic...a very small room with beds that were not only to short...but were maybe a little over a foot wide...or maybe just a foot. Jokingly I said to everyone, "If you hear a loud bang from upstairs...I'm fine, just fell of the bed." So that night me and katy headed up to our rooms and it was pitch black in the attick so of course, I made her go first. We discovered that the lights were not working so we scrambled for our bags while freaking out and yelling it the dark, we located our bags and proceded to stumble our way down the stairs....thus started our adventure in Glacier National Park. Over the next few days we spend our time hiking into beautiful locations, eating huckleberry ice cream, riding a tandem bicycle, and laughing at angry golfers who were struggling on the hole behind the house. Angry golfers are quite amusing, I should know...I am one! So if it is by any chance that you have the means to go to Glacier, I suggest you do so! Trails are yours for the making, adventures are yours for the taking! So what are you waiting for?
We drove 3 hours and arrived at our rented house near west glacier and found it to be without air conditioning...can I get a yay? Ya didn't think so... Me and katy..."The Singles", were of course stuck in the attic...a very small room with beds that were not only to short...but were maybe a little over a foot wide...or maybe just a foot. Jokingly I said to everyone, "If you hear a loud bang from upstairs...I'm fine, just fell of the bed." So that night me and katy headed up to our rooms and it was pitch black in the attick so of course, I made her go first. We discovered that the lights were not working so we scrambled for our bags while freaking out and yelling it the dark, we located our bags and proceded to stumble our way down the stairs....thus started our adventure in Glacier National Park. Over the next few days we spend our time hiking into beautiful locations, eating huckleberry ice cream, riding a tandem bicycle, and laughing at angry golfers who were struggling on the hole behind the house. Angry golfers are quite amusing, I should know...I am one! So if it is by any chance that you have the means to go to Glacier, I suggest you do so! Trails are yours for the making, adventures are yours for the taking! So what are you waiting for?
Monday, June 25, 2007
Susie Switzer:
“There would be no passion in this world if we never had to fight for what we love.”
Passion drives us is anything and everything we do. If we do not have a passion for it, then we do not have a drive for it. If we have no drive then we are probably not going to be succesful. Like right now, I am lacking the passion to write this blog, I mean its late, I'm kinda tired, and the television is on, but It's been awhile since my last post and I like to look at my new blog picture cause' its, oh how do the kids say it? Bangin?...yea...
Okay so passion....It can be involved in almost any aspect in your life. Relationships, sports, hobbies, jobs, careers, whatever you can think of. I'm passionate about dirtbiking...heck at this very moment I am itching to go ride, but sadly its pitch black outside, its crazy muddy, and sadly my neighboors do not feel the same way about dirtbiking as I do. I mean dirtbiking rocks, how is it that a loud motorcycle would bother the neighboors in the middle of the night? I mean call me crazy but....okay just call me crazy. But whatever your passionate about...keep it up, let your passion drive you, let it comfort you.
One of my favorite examples of passion is the Passion of Jesus Christ. The passion that Jesus had was incredible. The passion is what Christ went through, all of the torture and beatings. So whatever you are passionate it, keep on keepin on. Success and good things will come out of it.
“There would be no passion in this world if we never had to fight for what we love.”
Passion drives us is anything and everything we do. If we do not have a passion for it, then we do not have a drive for it. If we have no drive then we are probably not going to be succesful. Like right now, I am lacking the passion to write this blog, I mean its late, I'm kinda tired, and the television is on, but It's been awhile since my last post and I like to look at my new blog picture cause' its, oh how do the kids say it? Bangin?...yea...
Okay so passion....It can be involved in almost any aspect in your life. Relationships, sports, hobbies, jobs, careers, whatever you can think of. I'm passionate about dirtbiking...heck at this very moment I am itching to go ride, but sadly its pitch black outside, its crazy muddy, and sadly my neighboors do not feel the same way about dirtbiking as I do. I mean dirtbiking rocks, how is it that a loud motorcycle would bother the neighboors in the middle of the night? I mean call me crazy but....okay just call me crazy. But whatever your passionate about...keep it up, let your passion drive you, let it comfort you.
One of my favorite examples of passion is the Passion of Jesus Christ. The passion that Jesus had was incredible. The passion is what Christ went through, all of the torture and beatings. So whatever you are passionate it, keep on keepin on. Success and good things will come out of it.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Don Miguel Ruiz:
Death is not the biggest fear we have; our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive -- the risk to be alive and express what we really are.
I think fear is kinda funny, it's like a game that our minds play with us...sometimes with good reason though. If I am afraid to jump off of a cliff without a parachute and anything to save me (basically jumping to my death) then I have good reason to be afraid...my life is at stake! Now here is a silly mind trick that is probably caused by some movie that we saw...we have all done this and probably still do this...we walk into a bathroom and there is a shower in it and we of course have to check behind the curtain to make sure that no psycho is in there about to kill us while we are innocently going to the bathroom. Yes I have done that, heck I did it at my sisters apartment this weekend...I mean that shower curtain looked suspicious...it could have been hiding someone so I had to check...it was for the greater good.
Well the way I see it, fear keeps us alive! Fear keeps us from doing stupid stuff that would kill us while at the same time if we can feel fear then we know that we are alive...there is nothing like the feeling that comes with conquering your fears and doing somethin awesome! Fear is yours to conquer, life is yours for the taking....so what are you waiting for?
Death is not the biggest fear we have; our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive -- the risk to be alive and express what we really are.
I think fear is kinda funny, it's like a game that our minds play with us...sometimes with good reason though. If I am afraid to jump off of a cliff without a parachute and anything to save me (basically jumping to my death) then I have good reason to be afraid...my life is at stake! Now here is a silly mind trick that is probably caused by some movie that we saw...we have all done this and probably still do this...we walk into a bathroom and there is a shower in it and we of course have to check behind the curtain to make sure that no psycho is in there about to kill us while we are innocently going to the bathroom. Yes I have done that, heck I did it at my sisters apartment this weekend...I mean that shower curtain looked suspicious...it could have been hiding someone so I had to check...it was for the greater good.
Well the way I see it, fear keeps us alive! Fear keeps us from doing stupid stuff that would kill us while at the same time if we can feel fear then we know that we are alive...there is nothing like the feeling that comes with conquering your fears and doing somethin awesome! Fear is yours to conquer, life is yours for the taking....so what are you waiting for?
Thursday, May 24, 2007
It's been awhile since my last post, so sorry all of you loyal readers...thats about 2 or 3 I believe...I didn't know what I wanted to write about...and today I figured that scars are cool, chicks dig em', and heck...scars are freakin cool! So why are they there? I guess scars appear because you did something stupid, got hurt, and the skin didn't heal right leaving a pretty mark on your skin (I have many scars).
So you do something stupid and get a cut or worse...the flesh doesn't heal right and BADA BING you have a scar...now when you look at the scar you're probably going to think, "I am NOT doing that again." OF COURSE YOU ARE!! I have alot from dirtbiking and look at me, I got a new dirtbike and it put two nice burns on my leg the first day! Those will be some pretty little scars so now everytime I look down and see them I'm like, "When all of the pretty girls see you I'm going to be so wanted...and yes I'm doing that again!" Now if I got a scar from lets say...tripping over a curb then ya I'll tell myself that I am not doing that again...but sadly I doubt that I can go a week without tripping over a curb so usually what you get a scar from...you're gonna do it again!
Some scars are there to serve as reminders of a big even in your life...like my appendectimine scars...they are there to remind me of what I've been through (most of it was a blur but hey...I got painkillers!!). Some of you may of had worse and your scars are to remind you of that. They tell stories of, I fell off my bike when I was 10, or I had heart surgery when I was 27. I think scars are a blessing so...and again they look super cool! So what are you waiting for? Go fall off that bike, go trip over that curb, go pick a fight with that biker guy that is 7 ft. tall and has a "Born to make you wish you weren't" (please tell me that you got that tatoo joke cause its awesome) The memories of scars are yours for the taking, scars are yours for the making! So....again...what are you waiting for?
So you do something stupid and get a cut or worse...the flesh doesn't heal right and BADA BING you have a scar...now when you look at the scar you're probably going to think, "I am NOT doing that again." OF COURSE YOU ARE!! I have alot from dirtbiking and look at me, I got a new dirtbike and it put two nice burns on my leg the first day! Those will be some pretty little scars so now everytime I look down and see them I'm like, "When all of the pretty girls see you I'm going to be so wanted...and yes I'm doing that again!" Now if I got a scar from lets say...tripping over a curb then ya I'll tell myself that I am not doing that again...but sadly I doubt that I can go a week without tripping over a curb so usually what you get a scar from...you're gonna do it again!
Some scars are there to serve as reminders of a big even in your life...like my appendectimine scars...they are there to remind me of what I've been through (most of it was a blur but hey...I got painkillers!!). Some of you may of had worse and your scars are to remind you of that. They tell stories of, I fell off my bike when I was 10, or I had heart surgery when I was 27. I think scars are a blessing so...and again they look super cool! So what are you waiting for? Go fall off that bike, go trip over that curb, go pick a fight with that biker guy that is 7 ft. tall and has a "Born to make you wish you weren't" (please tell me that you got that tatoo joke cause its awesome) The memories of scars are yours for the taking, scars are yours for the making! So....again...what are you waiting for?
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
The Sound of Music
No I'm not talking about the movie...your kidding me, I was forced by my lower school music teacher Mrs. Kelso to watch that...
What I'm talking about it what music can do to us, what sound does to us. Okay, so your running and you are not listening to music one day and you run 3 miles with some trouble...another day you are listening to faster paced music and you finish your 3 miles with little trouble...what am i getting at? Music can pump you up, music can bring you down, music can get our heart beating.
What is music? Music is a plethera of sounds strung together to create melodies and harmonies.......I think I just fried my brain with that definition (that I came up with by the way)......okay I'm good to go now, where was I? Oh music right.... People all have different tastes in music. Me...I like most anything, but for some reason I have taken a liking to alternative music recently. Like yellowcard and colplay. I enjoy how their songs tell stories or make sense in life. Sometimes I can even relate to a song. And of course I'm a country fan...country is fun to dance to, sing to, its fun!
What does music sound like? Music sounds like anything, music has an unlimited arsenal of instruments that can make it. Guitars, drums, pianos, violins, harmonicas, trumpets, even buckets! Music is opinion...it helps us voice what we normally cannot. We voice what is going on in our heads, what we can't get out. Music defines a culture, music can define a persons, whats the word, personality. I see a person in a cowboy hat and boots and can bet that they like country music. Person dressed in all black, crazy hair, skateboard shoes of some sort...emo music. Don't get me wrong, I like country but I don't dress like it, I accept some emo music but don't dress emo. Music won't completely define a person, it just says a little something about their tastes.
Music is used everywhere. It sets the mood in movies, it yells, "I'm here!" when you hear the 3 subwoofers driving by in a car, it lets us relax, it pumps us up, it makes us sad, it makes us happy, and it can make us spiritual. Music is awesome...without music life would be quiet...too quiet. So turn up your amps, play the drums louder than ever, sing with all you've got, turn up those headphones, turn up the car radio, use every inch of that subwoofer...music is yours for the taking, music is yours for the making...so what are you waiting for?
What I'm talking about it what music can do to us, what sound does to us. Okay, so your running and you are not listening to music one day and you run 3 miles with some trouble...another day you are listening to faster paced music and you finish your 3 miles with little trouble...what am i getting at? Music can pump you up, music can bring you down, music can get our heart beating.
What is music? Music is a plethera of sounds strung together to create melodies and harmonies.......I think I just fried my brain with that definition (that I came up with by the way)......okay I'm good to go now, where was I? Oh music right.... People all have different tastes in music. Me...I like most anything, but for some reason I have taken a liking to alternative music recently. Like yellowcard and colplay. I enjoy how their songs tell stories or make sense in life. Sometimes I can even relate to a song. And of course I'm a country fan...country is fun to dance to, sing to, its fun!
What does music sound like? Music sounds like anything, music has an unlimited arsenal of instruments that can make it. Guitars, drums, pianos, violins, harmonicas, trumpets, even buckets! Music is opinion...it helps us voice what we normally cannot. We voice what is going on in our heads, what we can't get out. Music defines a culture, music can define a persons, whats the word, personality. I see a person in a cowboy hat and boots and can bet that they like country music. Person dressed in all black, crazy hair, skateboard shoes of some sort...emo music. Don't get me wrong, I like country but I don't dress like it, I accept some emo music but don't dress emo. Music won't completely define a person, it just says a little something about their tastes.
Music is used everywhere. It sets the mood in movies, it yells, "I'm here!" when you hear the 3 subwoofers driving by in a car, it lets us relax, it pumps us up, it makes us sad, it makes us happy, and it can make us spiritual. Music is awesome...without music life would be quiet...too quiet. So turn up your amps, play the drums louder than ever, sing with all you've got, turn up those headphones, turn up the car radio, use every inch of that subwoofer...music is yours for the taking, music is yours for the making...so what are you waiting for?
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Cure for the Common Summer
So here is another cure for the common....
Now that school is down to its last 2 weeks, summer is growing ever so closer. I was thinking about it today and I wondered to myself...what am I going to do everyday? What I talked about in the last cure for the common, the routines, well ya I have a school routine and its going to end. So what am I supposed to do with myself, I am so used to having school take up most of my day...I dont just want to sit around waiting for something to happen...That would make for a boring summer.
I do have trips that I am taking, I'm going to Chicago to visit my sister katy (Love you Katy) and then to Montana to flyfish and go to Glacier National Park, then X-Games in L.A. with katy! Ya that is busy for me, but what do i do in between those trips, thats a lot of gaps to fill...
Hah yes...yes I found it...the cure! I do....whatever...I...want!!! Its summer! 2 months of no school, no hw, nothing! Its freedom basically. So yea friends, the lake, and whatever is my cure. So instead of staring at the kid picking his nose (the one I mentioned in the last cure for the common) I'll be staring at a hott chick...actually she'll be staring at me (because I'm so hott) and I'll be pretending not to notice...yes I know im good.(pause for applause) I'll be riding my dirtbike, I'll be working out, anything to fill the precious time that is summer. It's like being in jail and being let out for 2 months of madness! I'm going to try and make this the best summer of my life...atleast until next summer! So yea, do whatever you want...burn stuff...throw stuff...do anything! (that is legal atleast) So get out there, the summer is yours for the taking...what are you waiting for?
*And at the request of Becky...I had a chinchilla named tucker a few years back. He was awesome. Oh and a chinchilla is like a lil grey animal that looks like a rabit and a...mouse? Ya that works. Anyway, one week he disapeared and we thought my dog at him because he got out of his cage and there were plants and stuff knocked down...we figured cause the dog chased him. He dissapeared and we thought him dead, until one day we heard a sound behind our freezer and I saw his nose! He was alive, tucker was alive! He had been living under the freezer for the whole time! So hears to Tucker! There ya go Becky, your very welcome.
Now that school is down to its last 2 weeks, summer is growing ever so closer. I was thinking about it today and I wondered to myself...what am I going to do everyday? What I talked about in the last cure for the common, the routines, well ya I have a school routine and its going to end. So what am I supposed to do with myself, I am so used to having school take up most of my day...I dont just want to sit around waiting for something to happen...That would make for a boring summer.
I do have trips that I am taking, I'm going to Chicago to visit my sister katy (Love you Katy) and then to Montana to flyfish and go to Glacier National Park, then X-Games in L.A. with katy! Ya that is busy for me, but what do i do in between those trips, thats a lot of gaps to fill...
Hah yes...yes I found it...the cure! I do....whatever...I...want!!! Its summer! 2 months of no school, no hw, nothing! Its freedom basically. So yea friends, the lake, and whatever is my cure. So instead of staring at the kid picking his nose (the one I mentioned in the last cure for the common) I'll be staring at a hott chick...actually she'll be staring at me (because I'm so hott) and I'll be pretending not to notice...yes I know im good.(pause for applause) I'll be riding my dirtbike, I'll be working out, anything to fill the precious time that is summer. It's like being in jail and being let out for 2 months of madness! I'm going to try and make this the best summer of my life...atleast until next summer! So yea, do whatever you want...burn stuff...throw stuff...do anything! (that is legal atleast) So get out there, the summer is yours for the taking...what are you waiting for?
*And at the request of Becky...I had a chinchilla named tucker a few years back. He was awesome. Oh and a chinchilla is like a lil grey animal that looks like a rabit and a...mouse? Ya that works. Anyway, one week he disapeared and we thought my dog at him because he got out of his cage and there were plants and stuff knocked down...we figured cause the dog chased him. He dissapeared and we thought him dead, until one day we heard a sound behind our freezer and I saw his nose! He was alive, tucker was alive! He had been living under the freezer for the whole time! So hears to Tucker! There ya go Becky, your very welcome.
Cure for the Common Summer
So here is another cure for the common....
Now that school is down to its last 2 weeks, summer is growing ever so closer. I was thinking about it today and I wondered to myself...what am I going to do everyday? What I talked about in the last cure for the common, the routines, well ya I have a school routine and its going to end. So what am I supposed to do with myself, I am so used to having school take up most of my day...I dont just want to sit around waiting for something to happen...That would make for a boring summer.
I do have trips that I am taking, I'm going to Chicago to visit my sister katy (Love you Katy) and then to Montana to flyfish and go to Glacier National Park, then X-Games in L.A. with katy! Ya that is busy for me, but what do i do in between those trips, thats a lot of gaps to fill...
Hah yes...yes I found it...the cure! I do....whatever...I...want!!! Its summer! 2 months of no school, no hw, nothing! Its freedom basically. So yea friends, the lake, and whatever is my cure. So instead of staring at the kid picking his nose (the one I mentioned in the last cure for the common) I'll be staring at a hott chick...actually she'll be staring at me (because I'm so hott) and I'll be pretending not to notice...yes I know im good.(pause for applause) I'll be riding my dirtbike, I'll be working out, anything to fill the precious time that is summer. It's like being in jail and being let out for 2 months of madness! I'm going to try and make this the best summer of my life...atleast until next summer! So yea, do whatever you want...burn stuff...throw stuff...do anything! (that is legal atleast) So get out there, the summer is yours for the taking...what are you waiting for?
*And at the request of Becky...I had a chinchilla named tucker a few years back. He was awesome. Oh and a chinchilla is like a lil grey animal that looks like a rabit and a...mouse? Ya that works. Anyway, one week he disapeared and we thought my dog at him because he got out of his cage and there were plants and stuff knocked down...we figured cause the dog chased him. He dissapeared and we thought him dead, until one day we heard a sound behind our freezer and I saw his nose! He was alive, tucker was alive! He had been living under the freezer for the whole time! So hears to Tucker! There ya go Becky, your very welcome.
Now that school is down to its last 2 weeks, summer is growing ever so closer. I was thinking about it today and I wondered to myself...what am I going to do everyday? What I talked about in the last cure for the common, the routines, well ya I have a school routine and its going to end. So what am I supposed to do with myself, I am so used to having school take up most of my day...I dont just want to sit around waiting for something to happen...That would make for a boring summer.
I do have trips that I am taking, I'm going to Chicago to visit my sister katy (Love you Katy) and then to Montana to flyfish and go to Glacier National Park, then X-Games in L.A. with katy! Ya that is busy for me, but what do i do in between those trips, thats a lot of gaps to fill...
Hah yes...yes I found it...the cure! I do....whatever...I...want!!! Its summer! 2 months of no school, no hw, nothing! Its freedom basically. So yea friends, the lake, and whatever is my cure. So instead of staring at the kid picking his nose (the one I mentioned in the last cure for the common) I'll be staring at a hott chick...actually she'll be staring at me (because I'm so hott) and I'll be pretending not to notice...yes I know im good.(pause for applause) I'll be riding my dirtbike, I'll be working out, anything to fill the precious time that is summer. It's like being in jail and being let out for 2 months of madness! I'm going to try and make this the best summer of my life...atleast until next summer! So yea, do whatever you want...burn stuff...throw stuff...do anything! (that is legal atleast) So get out there, the summer is yours for the taking...what are you waiting for?
*And at the request of Becky...I had a chinchilla named tucker a few years back. He was awesome. Oh and a chinchilla is like a lil grey animal that looks like a rabit and a...mouse? Ya that works. Anyway, one week he disapeared and we thought my dog at him because he got out of his cage and there were plants and stuff knocked down...we figured cause the dog chased him. He dissapeared and we thought him dead, until one day we heard a sound behind our freezer and I saw his nose! He was alive, tucker was alive! He had been living under the freezer for the whole time! So hears to Tucker! There ya go Becky, your very welcome.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Cure for the Common Routine
BEEP!BEEEP!BEEEEEP! Ugh...It's 7 o'clock and I'm waking up to the wonderful sound of my alarm going off. I'm downstairs by 7:40 and out the door by 7:50. I get to school by 8:05 and geometry starts at 8:15. Class is out by 9 o'clock and so on and so forth. I do that Mon - Fri, August - May 25th. After doing that for so long, it can get really old and boring. How is there nothing more to my week? School and sleep...thats it? It's called a routine and I'm searching for a cure.
Routine...that is probably one of the biggest words in our lives. We may not use it often in sentences or conversations, but it sure does play a huge part in our lives. We all have our daily routines. For those of you who read this and are shaking your heads saying that you don't relate to this at all, please do me a favor quickfast...slap yourself, punch yourself, and kick yourself in that order because HELLO!! You do have a routine...even if you don't realize it.
School is almost out and I'm ready to start a new routine, one without having an alarm that wakes me up in the morning, no homework, no class schedules. Lets call it...hmm...the "Summer Routine" Your life does not run off of a schedule and the question, "What homework do we have tonight?" Instead the question is, "What do I feel like doing?"
Well anyway back to the reason of this post, the cure for this "Routine" that we are speaking of. Here it is...I DONT KNOW! I wish I did...but I don't. Routines are just there. Maybe you can change it up a bit...maybe this time when you walk to your locker you can trip? Stop at starbucks before school? Instead of staring in disgust at the kid thats pickin his nose and thinks that no one notices, you can stare at the kid that farted and thinks nobody noticed? Something interesting to give yourself something new to do. There is no cure for the commone routine, the only thing you can do is change your routine up a bit every days, weeks, months...whatever floats your boat. I have come to new conclusions as I have written this...now this is deep and I dont know if you small minded people can handle this...the cure for the common routine is a new routine...wow...give yourself a second to take a nap or something cause that was deep! I guess that a new routine is not a cure, but its a quick fix that will last for a little while, atleast until that routine gets old...well whatever you do, get yourself out of the year old routine and start a new one, believe me, its for the best.
*Note to the kid that farted in class and thinks no one noticed*
Everyone heard it...
*You know, I might just make a "Cure for the Common..." series on my blog, this could be the start of something cool...
Routine...that is probably one of the biggest words in our lives. We may not use it often in sentences or conversations, but it sure does play a huge part in our lives. We all have our daily routines. For those of you who read this and are shaking your heads saying that you don't relate to this at all, please do me a favor quickfast...slap yourself, punch yourself, and kick yourself in that order because HELLO!! You do have a routine...even if you don't realize it.
School is almost out and I'm ready to start a new routine, one without having an alarm that wakes me up in the morning, no homework, no class schedules. Lets call it...hmm...the "Summer Routine" Your life does not run off of a schedule and the question, "What homework do we have tonight?" Instead the question is, "What do I feel like doing?"
Well anyway back to the reason of this post, the cure for this "Routine" that we are speaking of. Here it is...I DONT KNOW! I wish I did...but I don't. Routines are just there. Maybe you can change it up a bit...maybe this time when you walk to your locker you can trip? Stop at starbucks before school? Instead of staring in disgust at the kid thats pickin his nose and thinks that no one notices, you can stare at the kid that farted and thinks nobody noticed? Something interesting to give yourself something new to do. There is no cure for the commone routine, the only thing you can do is change your routine up a bit every days, weeks, months...whatever floats your boat. I have come to new conclusions as I have written this...now this is deep and I dont know if you small minded people can handle this...the cure for the common routine is a new routine...wow...give yourself a second to take a nap or something cause that was deep! I guess that a new routine is not a cure, but its a quick fix that will last for a little while, atleast until that routine gets old...well whatever you do, get yourself out of the year old routine and start a new one, believe me, its for the best.
*Note to the kid that farted in class and thinks no one noticed*
Everyone heard it...
*You know, I might just make a "Cure for the Common..." series on my blog, this could be the start of something cool...
Thursday, May 3, 2007
One of those weeks
We have all had those weeks...those weeks where the world throws everything its got at you...the next day comes and its back at you with a full clip. You take it and you take it day after day looking forward while every hit you take slowly wears you down. The world throws little things to trip you or make you fall, blind you and or confuse you.
"It's like walking up the stairs to your bedroom in the dark, and thinking theres one more stair than there is. Your foot falls down through the air and theres a sickly moment of dark surprise..." ~ Lemony Snicket
Or maybe your having a great day but one simple thought looms in the back of your mind...head spinning you take on every second of every minute of every hour of the day, with the world telling you, "give up," while that one bit of hope whispers, "Try it one more time." We all have our own chains that we need to break...dont give up...each day will go on and the next will ALWAYS come. Giving up...its not an option.
"When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on." ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt
"He conquers who endures." ~ Persius
"Never, never, never, never give up." ~ Winston Churchill
"Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it or work around it." ~ Michael Jordan
“Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul.” ~ Douglas MacArthur
“I'm trying as hard as I can, and sometimes things don't go your way, and that's the way things go.” ~ Tiger Woods
Just be strong, believe, tomorrow will come, the sun will rise, a new day is born and what will you do with it? Greatness is yours for the taking, so what are you waiting for?
"It's like walking up the stairs to your bedroom in the dark, and thinking theres one more stair than there is. Your foot falls down through the air and theres a sickly moment of dark surprise..." ~ Lemony Snicket
Or maybe your having a great day but one simple thought looms in the back of your mind...head spinning you take on every second of every minute of every hour of the day, with the world telling you, "give up," while that one bit of hope whispers, "Try it one more time." We all have our own chains that we need to break...dont give up...each day will go on and the next will ALWAYS come. Giving up...its not an option.
"When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on." ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt
"He conquers who endures." ~ Persius
"Never, never, never, never give up." ~ Winston Churchill
"Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it or work around it." ~ Michael Jordan
“Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul.” ~ Douglas MacArthur
“I'm trying as hard as I can, and sometimes things don't go your way, and that's the way things go.” ~ Tiger Woods
Just be strong, believe, tomorrow will come, the sun will rise, a new day is born and what will you do with it? Greatness is yours for the taking, so what are you waiting for?
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Dierks Bentley Rules
Country Roads, old theatre marquee signs;Parkin' lots, and billboards flyin' by.Spanish mosques, little hick town squares;Wild roses on a river bank: girl its almost like you're there
Oh, every mile, a memory; every song, another scene,From some old movie going back in time you and me.Every day, a page turned down; every night, a lonesome sound,Like a freight train rollin' through my dreams:Every mile, a memory.
Red sun down, out across the western sky,Takes me back to the fire in your eyes.Texas stars in a purple night.Not seein' 'em with you baby: oh, they never do it right, no.
Every mile, a memory; every song, another scene,From some old movie going back in time you and me.Every day, a page turned down; every night, a lonesome sound,Like a freight train rollin' through my dreams:Every mile, a memory.
Funny how no matter where I run,Round every bend I only see,Just how far I haven't come.Every mile, a memory; every song, another scene,From some old movie going back in time you and me.Every day, a page turned down; every night, a lonesome sound,Like a freight train rollin' through my dreams:Every mile, a memory;Every mile, a memory;Every mile, a memory.
Oh, every mile, a memory; every song, another scene,From some old movie going back in time you and me.Every day, a page turned down; every night, a lonesome sound,Like a freight train rollin' through my dreams:Every mile, a memory.
Red sun down, out across the western sky,Takes me back to the fire in your eyes.Texas stars in a purple night.Not seein' 'em with you baby: oh, they never do it right, no.
Every mile, a memory; every song, another scene,From some old movie going back in time you and me.Every day, a page turned down; every night, a lonesome sound,Like a freight train rollin' through my dreams:Every mile, a memory.
Funny how no matter where I run,Round every bend I only see,Just how far I haven't come.Every mile, a memory; every song, another scene,From some old movie going back in time you and me.Every day, a page turned down; every night, a lonesome sound,Like a freight train rollin' through my dreams:Every mile, a memory;Every mile, a memory;Every mile, a memory.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Find the missing link...check!
What could be better than dinner with some of your friends at olive garden...dinner with some of your friends at olive garden with a deerman waiting the table next you! Yes its true... we have found the missing link! Actually it was just a waiter that we came up with the great idea that he looked like a deer... so we made jokes about him for the rest of the night! Sounds harsh but it was funny :)
So prom is coming up this saturday, I must say that I am very excited! Not only is prom amazing because hey! its prom! But it also signals that the schoolyear is coming to a close! Summer is coming up and coming up fast, scary! What is so scary? I'm going to be a junior! That means looking for colleges, selecting colleges, family making fun of you for choosing sed colleges, and then summer again. I mean common...I'm almost 17, and I'm just getting used to being 16! Well I still have the summer to survive first, and I cant wait!
So prom is coming up this saturday, I must say that I am very excited! Not only is prom amazing because hey! its prom! But it also signals that the schoolyear is coming to a close! Summer is coming up and coming up fast, scary! What is so scary? I'm going to be a junior! That means looking for colleges, selecting colleges, family making fun of you for choosing sed colleges, and then summer again. I mean common...I'm almost 17, and I'm just getting used to being 16! Well I still have the summer to survive first, and I cant wait!
Friday, April 13, 2007
So after school today, I took the three fish's to Sonic! Patricia, Sarah, Amanda, and I then went over to Patricias house. We even formed and new gang, "The Wall Gang" cuz we hung out on a wall by her house, ya we're cool. Then we just ran around the neighborhood and did whatever. I ran home and changed, then the storms came in. My mother finally let me drive back to Patricias and, for the most part, I watched them do old songs that they had made up, and they even danced a little bit too. So ya thats how I roll. Then the time came, Chipotle was calling! I drove everyone out to Chipotle. I was considered the hero because I was able to finish a burrito? Well, atleast I can do something thats impressive, even if it is eating a giant mexican burrito...yes its delicous. After that we came back to Patricias house and watched "Without a Paddle." It was quite a funny movie and I enjoyed every minute of it. I cannot wait to see what tomorrow brings.
Monday, April 2, 2007
Spiritual Emphasis Week
Today was the start of spiritual emphasis week. Its the week before easter. At school we have chapel everyday instead of just thursdays which is a gooood thing because then I have a much shorter history class instead of the usual 45 minutes!!! Not that I don't like history...I don't like history. We also have friday off woohoo. So I may take my dirtbike up to Farmersville and do some riding! I hope that I get too. My sister Katy also comes in from Chicago this weekend and I CAN'T wait to see her! She pretty much rooocks.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
A Sunny Weekend
This weekend was exceptionally great! Friday was pretty much a blow off day at school because all the teachers were observing at other schools and we played games in the gym and stuff. It got pretty wild. Saturday I was home alone because my parents had gone to the lake so I washed my moms car and got our pavilion ready for a college basketball game party deally. Then I went and played 9 holes of golf! They weren't great though. Then today I woke up at like 1230 and went and ate at the most amazing restaraunt ever...chipotle!!! Then I played another 9 with my dad and I did alot better, psh I got 20 bucks outta it! haha. I also got to see my Prom date alot. I went to her house last night and it was alot of fun, Patricia and our friend amanda just sat outside by the fire and talked...I loved every minute of it. Well a new week of school starts tomorrow, yay school.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Greatest Day Ever?
Today was the GREATEST DAY EVER...or atleast top 10. It started out being great because I was given the OKAY by Dr. West (My surgeon) to play in the District Golf Tournament. This would be my first golf season of the year. Late tuesday afternoon the golf team began the long haul into Tyler and we stayed at a West Inn. Waking up early, we head to Macdonalds (My dads choice breakfast joint) and then headed to the golf course. I had a great day...so did the rest of the team. I shot a 108, as did another team mate of mine, to tie us for 6th over all. That was a big accomplishment and I didn't think the day could get better...but it did. We found out that our golf team was also crowned district champs! An even bigger accomplishment! I didn't think the day could get better...but it did. After I got home I went to the mall to spend some gift cards...after that I headed over to my "hangout" Oakley (I'm on a first name basis with the manager and went to school with another employee). I got a $230 pair of sunglasses for $50. The guy I went to school with gave me an employee discount of 75%. I didn't think the day could get better...but yet again...it did. I asked about Oakley sponsorships and my friend told me to call Oakley and almost guarenteed me a sponsorship!! That means 50% off on all oakley products! Ya I'm an oakley freak...so now I have to make up a Golf resume and send it into Oakley. I didn't think the day could get better...and it didn't really but it remained one of the greatest days ever!
Monday, March 26, 2007
Fun at school? What is the world coming too?
Yes, school was pretty fun today. First Rob flipped his desk in a new sport we call desk racing! Basically you scoot your desk really far back and then you say go and you and another friend try to reach a point before the other. Oya, it can get pretty intense. Then our senior mentors took us to lunch and we stayed way longer then we were supposed to and missed a period! Then the day kinda slowed down afterwords. Still, thats alot of fun at school...its school...how can you have fun? Anyway, what lies ahead of me this week all relies on the gaping wound I have in my stomach, a.k.a. the little hole. I have a post op check up tomorrow and I need his okay to play in wednsdays district golf tourney, the last tourney of the year unless you make it to state. If I can't play then I missed out on the whole golf season, not cool. Well, thats all I really have right now... Andrew out
Saturday, March 24, 2007
To Hell and Back
Finally, the first week back is done. It was a very tiring week, possible one of the most tough weeks that I have ever had to endure. After 5 1/2 months of dating, me and my girlfriend broke up. I hated it, but it needed to happen (I wont go into furter details). On the bright side, I am making headway in my recovery from my appendectimy and I am becoming myself again. I spent my Friday night with an old friend who graduated last year, she is basically my sister. We tried to go to an R movie (With my parents permission of course) but she isnt old enough to by my ticket so that didnt happen. We ended up going over to another friends house and watched a movie. It was a great friday night and I'm hoping that this weekend will only get better. *Thank you everybody for helping me and encouraging me, I thank God for you guys everyday.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Spring break is over and today was the first day back at school. For me it was the first full day back in about a month due to my surgeries. It was good to be back, but you'd think that some of the teachers would have felt the same and would have been in better moods. Some actually were, but the teachers who were still themselves were the ones that we expected to be (I wont mention names). School is now in its last quarter and the end is in sight, oh summer please hurry.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
The First of Many
Hey I'm Andrew and thats all there really is to it. I love to be crazy with my family. I have one brother and two sisters, also with a side of two nephews. I love to dirtbike, play golf, and hang out with my friends. I got into this blog because of my sister and I'm expecting this post to be the first of many.
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